Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Simple Phone Call...

It's pretty much a given that most of the women I know are extremely busy. Their lives are full with their families and children, careers, school, sports and all the extra curricular activities that come along with all those duties. And sometimes it is hard to keep up connections with our friends on a regular basis. I can go weeks without talking to a girlfriend. That doesn't mean we are in a 'fight' or something is simply means we have been too busy with 'life' to connect.

Then, I start to miss my girlfriend time.
I need it.

I want to share, interact, bitch, laugh and cry with someone else who can relate to whatever it is I may be going through. I need to be able to 'vent' to someone of the same sex who is not in my family.

That's where the telephone or email/text messaging comes  in. A phone call to a friend speaks volumes (no pun intended). It shows that you are thinking about your friend. It can sometimes be difficult to really 'talk' in person because there are distractions. On the phone, it's just you and her...and real conversation. Just a quick call from a friend to say "Hi" to me ALWAYS lifts my spirits.

I got a phone call this morning from my bff. Those 15 minutes turned my day around. It seems we always end up discussing our 'life plan' and that gets me inspired. Today's topic was my new exercise regime. I wasn't planning on working out again today (still so sore from yesterday's hour of weight training/running). But, after the phone call and the inspirational pep talk, I hung up the phone and hopped on the treadmill.

Just a little phone call....that's all it takes. Sometimes the smallest gestures make the biggest statement.

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